Thursday, July 21, 2011

About Ferka

About us:

Today, most people are moving fast toward a world of high technology and leaving 
nature behind.
We, however, have decided not to walk this way but return to Nature’s intended ways 
While others step forward, we step back to Mother Nature 

An aquatic tank with plants represents the world of an underwater ecology rather 
than simply growing plants submerged. We believe that understanding this small 
world will lead to greater understanding and enable us to care more for Mother Nature.  
Aquatilizer, our first product for planted tanks, was launched in 1999 and then was
followed by Balance-K, Stemma, Rosetta, Aquabase, Aquashade and Balance-N

We also aware that keeping fish alone without plants is far different from planted 
tanks in both environmental and nutritional issues.  Our first nutritional supplement 
is Arowick and was launched in 2004 and was well received by Arowana keepers. 
The following year witnessed the introduction of Goldawick for Goldfish and Koick 
for Koi and Beewick for shrimp tank.  All these supplements composed of various 
vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients. 
Using special techniques to stabilize a vital vitamin component, all of these 
fauna supplementary products are different from other products in the market.
Anyone who leads a healthy style and is familiar about Vitamin C will be able 
to perceive about the potency of this element.

Hence, we conclude that the satisfaction and rewards that we get in keeping 
fish actually derive from what we actually give to our fish.

Our focus in the ingredients and formulations that are used result in a significantly 
different product that is superior over the other brands in the market.  
The satisfaction of aquarists is our primary objective.